Records found: 1870
No. | Date | Title | Category | Book | Preacher |
1601. | 20 Aug 2012 | What Is Thy Occupation? (Jonah 1) | Sessions & Leaders Retreat | Jonah | Rev. (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy |
1602. | 19 Aug 2012 | Healing at a Distance 从远处医治 (John 约翰福音 4:43-54) | Combined Worship Service | John | Rev. (Dr) Prabhudas Koshy |
1603. | 10 Jun 2012 | Unity of The Mind 同心合意 (彼得前书 1 Pet 3:8-12) | Combined Worship Service | 1 Peter | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1604. | 1 Jun 2012 | Under His Wings (Psa 91) | Family Bible Camp | Psalm | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1605. | 31 May 2012 | God Is In Control (2 Cor 1:1-5) | Family Bible Camp | 2 Corinthians | Pr. Ling Soon Ing 林顺恩传道 |
1606. | 31 May 2012 | The Building-up of the Church (Acts 6:1-15) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1607. | 31 May 2012 | The Growth of the Church (Acts 8:1-17; 10:44-48) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1608. | 31 May 2012 | 往各处去传道 (使徒行传8:1-17;26-40) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Pr. Daniel Lim 林和昌传道 |
1609. | 30 May 2012 | Group Discussion 3 | Family Bible Camp | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew | |
1610. | 30 May 2012 | Group Discussion 5 | Family Bible Camp | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew | |
1611. | 30 May 2012 | Group Discussion 6 | Family Bible Camp | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew | |
1612. | 30 May 2012 | Motivation for Ministry (2 Cor 4:1-6) | Family Bible Camp | 2 Corinthians | Eld. Chan Wan Fook |
1613. | 30 May 2012 | The Persecution of the Church (Acts 4:1-22) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1614. | 30 May 2012 | The Sanctification of the Church (Acts 5:1-16) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1615. | 30 May 2012 | 超乎万名之名 (使徒行传3:1-11,4:12) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Pr. Daniel Lim 林和昌传道 |
1616. | 29 May 2012 | Group Discussion 1 | Family Bible Camp | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew | |
1617. | 29 May 2012 | Group Discussion 2 | Family Bible Camp | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew | |
1618. | 29 May 2012 | Group Discussion 4 | Family Bible Camp | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew | |
1619. | 29 May 2012 | Join The Triumphal Parade (2 Cor 12-17) | Family Bible Camp | 1 Corinthians | Preacher |
1620. | 29 May 2012 | The Birth of the Church (Acts 2:1-14, 41-47) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1621. | 29 May 2012 | The Blue Print of the Church (Acts 1:1-11) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew |
1622. | 29 May 2012 | 为耶穌作见证 (使徒行传1:1-8,14) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Pr. Daniel Lim 林和昌传道 |
1623. | 29 May 2012 | 在耶路撒冷做见证 (使徒行传2:37-42) | Family Bible Camp | Acts | Pr. Daniel Lim 林和昌传道 |
1624. | 8 Apr 2012 | Crucified And Risen Again 被钉与复活 (Luke 路加福音 24:1-12) | Combined Worship Service | Luke | Rev. Stephen Khoo |
1625. | 6 Apr 2012 | The Trial Before the Governor 在巡抚面前受审 (Mat 马太 27:1-26) | Combined Worship Service | Matthew | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1626. | 25 Mar 2012 | Witness During the Shipwreck 沉船中的见证 (Acts 使徒行传 27:1-25) | Combined Worship Service | Acts | Rev. (Dr) Jeffrey Khoo |
1627. | 4 Mar 2012 | Lest Man Boast Against God 免得人向神自夸 (Judges 士师记 7:1-15) | Combined Worship Service | Judges | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1628. | 3 Mar 2012 | 上帝的救法 (创 6:5-22) | Chinese Gospel Night | Genesis | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1629. | 22 Jan 2012 | Starting To Work Again 复工 (Ezra 5:1-17) | Combined Worship Service | Ezra | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1630. | 31 Dec 2011 | God's Calling (Gen 12:1-2) | Combined Worship Service | Genesis | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1631. | 25 Dec 2011 | The Eternal Word (John 1:1-15) 永恒的道 (约翰福音 1:1-15) | Combined Worship Service | John | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1632. | 15 Dec 2011 | Blessedness of Trusting in the Lord (Psalm 119:145-176) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Psalm | Pr. Lek Aik Wee |
1633. | 15 Dec 2011 | Questions and Answers | Youth Fellowship Camp | Pr. Lek Aik Wee | |
1634. | 14 Dec 2011 | Blessedness of Growing in the Lord (Part 1) (Psalm 119:97-120) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Psalm | Pr. Lek Aik Wee |
1635. | 14 Dec 2011 | Blessedness of Growing in the Lord (Part 2) (Psalm 119:121-144) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Psalm | Pr. Lek Aik Wee |
1636. | 14 Dec 2011 | Morning Devotion 2: Scepticism (John 1:45-51) | Youth Fellowship Camp | John | Rev. Wee Eng Moh |
1637. | 13 Dec 2011 | Blessedness Of Walking With God (Part 1) (Psa 119:41-64) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Psalm | Pr. Lek Aik Wee |
1638. | 13 Dec 2011 | Blessedness Of Walking With God (Part 2) (Psa 119:65-96) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Psalm | Pr. Lek Aik Wee |
1639. | 13 Dec 2011 | Morning Devotion 1: The Great Commission (Mat 28:18-20) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Matthew | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1640. | 12 Dec 2011 | Blessed Power of God's Word (Psa 119:1-40) | Youth Fellowship Camp | Psalm | Pr. Lek Aik Wee |
1641. | 4 Dec 2011 | First Complaint And Answer 诉苦与回应 (Hab 1:1-11) | Combined Worship Service | Habakkuk | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1642. | 4 Sep 2011 | Wait on the Lord 主道在你心 (Psa 27) | Combined Worship Service | Psalm | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1643. | 3 Sep 2011 | Plan to Build (Neh 2:11-16) | Seminar | Nehemiah | Rev. Tan Kian Sing |
1644. | 3 Sep 2011 | Purpose to Build (Neh 2:17-20) | Seminar | Nehemiah | Rev. Tan Kian Sing |
1645. | 2 Sep 2011 | Pray to Build (Neh 1:5-11) | Seminar | Nehemiah | Rev. Tan Kian Sing |
1646. | 1 Sep 2011 | A Call for Good Relationships (Titus 3:1-15) | Sessions & Leaders Retreat | Titus | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1647. | 31 Aug 2011 | A Call for Good Behaviour (Titus 2:1-15) | Sessions & Leaders Retreat | Titus | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1648. | 31 Aug 2011 | A Call for True Beliefs and Leadership (Titus 1:1-16) | Sessions & Leaders Retreat | Titus | Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师 |
1649. | 12 Jun 2011 | God's Word In You 主道在你心 (Col 3:12-16) | Combined Worship Service | Colosians | Rev. Dennis Kwok |
1650. | 3 Jun 2011 | The Importance Of Literature Ministry (Mat 28:17-19) | Family Bible Camp | Matthew | Rev. Errol Stone |