Youth Fellowship Activity Past Event
Date: 20-Jul-2024 to 20-Jul-2024
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 13-Jul-2024 to 13-Jul-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Did the Salvation Plan for Israel Fail? (Rom 10:1-11)
Combined Worship Service Installation of Session 主日联合崇拜 Past Event
Date: 07-Jul-2024 to 07-Jul-2024
Venue: 10.15am: New Sanctuary
Theme: Installation of Session will be held Combined Worship Service at 10.15am

Bible Seminar 研讨会 Past Event
Date: 06-Jul-2024 to 06-Jul-2024
Venue: 9.00am-12.00pm: Old Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: "How to have closer walk with God?"
A seminar on personal Quiet Time & Family Devotion (Mat 14:23)
"And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone." Matthew 14:23

-Why do Christians suffer setback and family troubles? Sadly these problems usually stem from the lack of a close communion with God.

-We and our family members can learn the Biblical principles and examples of God's servants in their devotion with God.

-This seminar will show some of the Biblical patterns for conducting Quiet Time and Family Devotion. Be blessed by the teaching of God's word!

Come join us! Lunch will be provided, please sign up.
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 22-Jun-2024 to 22-Jun-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: “The reason countless numbers will go to hell”
Romans 9:30-33

-There is a false belief known as “Universal Salvation” which teaches that ultimately
all souls will be reconciled with God.

-Countless numbers of people are deceived by these and faiths which teaches “salvation by works”.

-Come and hear how God’s word distnguishes between the saved and the unsaved. This comparison is a stark reality between those saved and those who are deluded

Come Join us! Dinner will be provided, please sign up
Grace Deaf Ministry 16th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service 恩典聋哑事工 16 周年感恩崇拜 Past Event
Date: 16-Jun-2024 to 16-Jun-2024
Venue: 10.15am: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Youth Fellowship Activity Past Event
Date: 15-Jun-2024 to 15-Jun-2024
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 08-Jun-2024 to 08-Jun-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: How to Avoid being Conned by Scammers (Eph 5:15-17)

-Not me! I am too smart!
Who & Where are the scammers?

-Be Vigilant. Are there “Red Flags”?

-What does the Bible teach?
Get real! Come. Let us learn lessons from God’s Word.                  

Join us for the fellowship dinner after the meeting!
Calvary Jaya B-P Fellowship Family Bible Camp 笃信圣经长老会家庭圣经营 Past Event
Date: 27-May-2024 to 31-May-2024
Venue: Hotel Excelsior Ipoh
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: The Grace of Christ upon the elect (Genesis 25-32)
"As it is written, Jacob have I loved..." (Romans 9:13a)
基督的恩典临到选民 (创世记 25-32)
"正如经上所记,雅各是我所爱的..." (罗马书 9:13a)
Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师

FBC01 20240527 LSB The legacy of God’s elect (Genesis 25:1-34)
Q1: If God is all-powerful, why shouldn’t Christians be praying for wealth, fame, success in life?
Q2: Share an example (you know of) where a Christian is willing to sacrifice earthly treasures for spiritual blessings (you may give examples of others, or share your personal example)?

FBC02 20240528 LSB The great deception - God’s grace despite nature of the flesh (Genesis 27:1-33)
Q1: What is wrong with telling a “white lie”?
Q2: Give some examples of Esau–like behaviour (someone who despise their spiritual heritage). How can you counsel someone who behaves like Esau?

FBC03 20240529 LSB The presence of God with His elect (Genesis 28:1-22)
Q1: Why does Abraham (even Isaac) insist that their children not marry Canaanites?
Q2: Should a Christian make a promise to God in return for God’s grace in protection, health, ability, etc?

FBC04 20240530 LSB The deceiver deceived (Genesis 29:1-27)
Q1: Why is it important to have good Christian character (eg. honesty, generosity, sincerity)?
Q2: If Christians have God’s grace, why is it that there is still conflict, envy amongst Christian friends and family members?

FBC05 20240531 LSB Wrestling with God (Genesis 32:1-32)
Q1: We can pray fervently for something, and yet is seems God does not answer, why?
Q2: Share your experience about God’s faithfulness in your life. How does this encourage you to walk closer with God?
Youth Fellowship Activity Past Event
Date: 18-May-2024 to 18-May-2024
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Annual Congregational Meeting & Session Election 2024-2026 常年会友大会和长执选举 2024-2026 Past Event
Date: 12-May-2024 to 12-May-2024
Venue: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Combined Worship Service 联合崇拜 Past Event
Date: 12-May-2024 to 12-May-2024
Venue: 8.30am: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 11-May-2024 to 11-May-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: “What does the Bible teach us about dressing?” (1 Corinthians 10:28-33)

• Is there such a thing as dressing in “Sunday best” for going to Church?

• Common misconceptions dispelled about service in church and proper attire.

• Does the church enforce a dress code? Must a sister be dressed in a skirt?

• What’s wrong with casual attire for church? And other questions answered.
FEBC Daily Vacation Bible College (DVBC) Past Event
Date: 29-Apr-2024 to 04-May-2024
Venue: Online
Organizer: Far Eastern Bible Colleage
Theme: COURSES (On Campus and Live Streamed)
Click link to register online by 30 Apr 2024 | 4月 30日 前报名!
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 27-Apr-2024 to 27-Apr-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Mentoring the Younger Generation (Titus 2:1-8)
FEBC Basic Theology For Everyone (BTFE) Past Event
Date: 02-Jan-2024 to 26-Apr-2024
Venue: Online
Organizer: Far Eastern Bible College
Theme: DAY CLASSES (On Campus and Online)

NIGHT CLASSES (On Campus and Online)


Click link to register online by 15 Jan 2024 | 1月 15日 前报名!
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 13-Apr-2024 to 13-Apr-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Loving the Undeserving & Unlovable (Romans 9:25-29)

Loving the unlovable, eg. someone who betrays you”

-God is holy and just, but why did He command His prophet to marry a harlot?

-Should a husband continue to love his wife who goes around with other men?

-Let’s learn from the Bible about God’s love for the unlovable and
Easter Sunday Combined Worship Service 复活节主日联合崇拜 (English & Mandarin) Past Event
Date: 31-Mar-2024 to 31-Mar-2024
Venue: 7.00am: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: He must rise from the dead (John 20:1-18)
Good Friday Worship Service 受难节联合崇拜 (English & Mandarin) Past Event
Date: 29-Mar-2024 to 29-Mar-2024
Venue: 8.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Despised and rejected of men (Isa 53:1-9)
Philemon Adult Fellowship AF Past Event
Date: 23-Mar-2024 to 23-Mar-2024
Venue: 4.00pm: New Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Understanding why Evil is Allowed to Exist (Rom 20-24)

-We know God is just and righteous. Why then does God allow evil men to exist?

-Why are evil men in history allowed to cause pain, even death to countless many? God is almighty and merciful, so why not just put a stop to evil men?

-Come this Saturday and learn what the Bible teaches about the sovereignty of God’s will in the history of His people.