Assistance From The Church 教会的协助 Past Event
Date: 31-Oct-2021 to 31-Oct-2021
Venue: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2)

Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality (Romans 12:13)

We thank God for His love, care and provisions during this time of Covid-19 pandemic. Let us remember one another in prayers and encourage one another in the Lord. Should any of our brethen need any form of financials or provisions, do approach any of the Church leaders for assistance. May the Lord bless us and keep us.

加拉太6:2 “你们各人的重担要互相担当,如此,就完全了基督的律法。”

罗马书12:13 “圣徒缺乏,要帮补;客,要一味地款待。”            

Reformation Sunday 改革宗主日 Past Event
Date: 31-Oct-2021 to 31-Oct-2021
Venue: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Combined Worship Service 8.30am 主日联合崇拜 早上 8 点半 Past Event
Date: 17-Oct-2021 to 17-Oct-2021
Venue: 8.30am: Sanctuary and Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Once Without Strength 之前没有力量 (Romans 罗马书 5:6-11)

For in-person worship for this Sunday 17th October, we have to follow SOP by the government. Only those who have completed the full course of vaccination and fulfilled the grace period required can be allowed to gather for in-person worship.
Anyone feeling sick or is in direct contact with a infected person, please do not attend the in-person worship. Thank you

对于这星期天主日 10 月 17 日的实体崇拜,我们必须遵守政府的 SOP。只有完成了全部疫苗接种,并满足规定的宽限期的人才可以聚集进行实体的崇拜。
Annual Congregational Meeting & Session Election 2021-2023 常年会友大会和长执选举 2021-2023 Past Event
Date: 17-Oct-2021 to 17-Oct-2021
Venue: Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: This will be held after the combined worship service at 8.30am (subject to the government's National Recovery Plan)

这将于10月17日 (早上 8.30) 联合崇拜过后进行(取决于政府的国家复苏阶段为前提)

Youth Fellowship YF Young Adults Fellowship YAF Retreat 青少年 青年 退修会 Past Event
Date: 16-Sep-2021 to 16-Sep-2021
Venue: 10.00am-1.00pm: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Bear Ye One Another's Burdens (Galatians 6:1-10)
"Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
10.00am: Message
11.00am: Q&A
11.30am: Group Discussion
12.30pm: Fellowship & Games
1.00pm: End

Register online
English 37th Anniversary Thanksgiving Combined Service (English & Mandarin) 英语部 37 周年感恩联合崇拜 Past Event
Date: 05-Sep-2021 to 05-Sep-2021
Venue: 10.15am 早上十点十五分: Online 线上
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Remember The Days of Old 追想上古之日 (Deuteronomy 申命记 32:7-10)
"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee ...he kept him as the apple of his eye."
Deuteronomy 32:7-10
Rise Up Men Of God! Past Event
Date: 20-Jul-2021 to 20-Jul-2021
Venue: 9.00am-11.15am: Online
Organizer: Calvary Pandan B-P Church
Theme: The Call to Rise Up (Joshua 24:14-28)
Rev (Dr) Quek Suan Yew
Calvary Pandan B-P Church
FEBC Daily Vacation Bible College (DVBC) Past Event
Date: 10-May-2021 to 02-Jul-2021
Venue: Online
Organizer: Far Eastern Bible College
Theme: 1. Angels and Demons
2. Epistle of Jude
3. Jesus the Master Teacher
Register online by 18 May 2021!

Combined Youth Conference (CYC) Past Event
Date: 22-Jun-2021 to 25-Jun-2021
Venue: Online
Theme: Living for Life Above (Colossians 3:1-5)
Pr. Samuel Joseph
Grace Deaf Ministry 13th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service 恩典聋哑事工 13 周年感恩崇拜 Past Event
Date: 13-Jun-2021 to 13-Jun-2021
Venue: 10.15am: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Holiday Bible School Past Event
Date: 13-May-2021 to 14-May-2021
Venue: 8.50am-12.00pm: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: King David, A Man after God’s own heart, doing the will of God (Acts 13:22)
"...a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will." Acts 13:22b
FEBC Basic Theology For Everyone (BTFE) Past Event
Date: 04-Jan-2021 to 30-Apr-2021
Venue: Online
Organizer: Far Eastern Bible College
Theme: Basic Theology for Everyone (BTFE) - 12 courses offered online from 4 Jan 2021 to 30 Apr 2021.

6-day classes and 3-night classes will be via live stream. In addition, 3 online courses will be offered.

To encourage and help everyone to register for the FEBC courses, our church office will assist you with registration and payments of the fees.

Fill up the registration form following details are required.
1. Name as per your IC or passport
2. Email address
3. Local address
4. Phone
5. Credit or Audit
6. Student (in school/university): Yes/No
7. Church (if not CJBPC)

Registration period:
13 Dec 2020 - 14 Jan 2021

Students (in school / university) will be granted full subsidy by the church.
As for non-students who require subsidy, kindly contact Dn Seh Beng.

Course fees:
S$20.00 (RM60.00) per audit-hour and for S$40.00 (RM120.00) per credit-hour
Church will help make payment on your behalf first. Reimbursement can be made to the following account (please indicate "FEBC" in your bank-in slip).

Bank Name: Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Account no.: 121540010040213
Name: Calvary Jaya Bible-Presbyterian Fellowship
Evangelism Workshop 2 Past Event
Date: 24-Apr-2021 to 24-Apr-2021
Venue: 4.00pm: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Easter Sunday Combined Worship Service 复活节主日联合崇拜 (English & Mandarin) Past Event
Date: 04-Apr-2021 to 04-Apr-2021
Venue: 7.00am: New Sanctuary and Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Why Seek Among the Dead? 为什么在死人中找活人呢? (Luke 路加福音 24:1-9)
Good Friday Worship Service 受难节联合崇拜 (English & Mandarin) Past Event
Date: 02-Apr-2021 to 02-Apr-2021
Venue: 8.30pm: New Sanctuary and Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: They cried, "Crucify Him!" 他们喊着说:“钉他十字架” (Luke 路加福音 23:3-21)
Lord's Supper will be conducted during Good Friday Worship Service. 主的圣餐将会在受难节崇拜进行。
Lord's Supper Past Event
Date: 21-Mar-2021 to 21-Mar-2021
Venue: 10.15am: Sanctuary
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Chinese 36th Anniversary Thanksgiving Combined Service (English & Mandarin) 华语部 36 周年感恩联合崇拜 Past Event
Date: 07-Mar-2021 to 07-Mar-2021
Venue: 10:15am: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Thankful for God's Grace 感谢神恩 (Psalm 诗篇 100)
Chinese Gospel Night (Mandarin) 华语福音布道会 Past Event
Date: 06-Mar-2021 to 06-Mar-2021
Venue: 8.15pm: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Believe in Christ and Receive Eternal Life 信主得永生 (John 约翰福音 3:2-17)
Sunday School Teachers Meeting Past Event
Date: 20-Feb-2021 to 20-Feb-2021
Venue: 3.00pm: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Combined Worship Service 线上联合崇拜 Past Event
Date: 14-Feb-2021 to 14-Feb-2021
Venue: 10.15am: Online
Organizer: Calvary Jaya
Theme: Prosper Thy Servant 使你仆人亨通 (Nehemiah 尼希米记 1:5-11)
No Evening Worship Service on this day