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Records found: 1814

No. Date Title Category Book Preacher
1. 25 Jul 2024 Revealed! Difference Between Children of God vs the Children of the Devil (1 John 3:17-19) Philemon Fellowship 1 John Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
2. 21 Jul 2024 Treachery in the Family (1 Kings 1:5-21) Morning Worship Service 1 Kings Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
3. 21 Jul 2024 家内的背叛 (列王记上 1:5-21) Chinese Morning Worship Service 1 Kings Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
4. 14 Jul 2024 Exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit in Your Life (Galatians 5:18-26) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
5. 14 Jul 2024 Rejoicing in Gods Word (Jeremiah 15:15-21) Evening Worship Service Jeremiah Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
6. 14 Jul 2024 在你的生命中显示圣灵的果子 (加拉太书 5:18-26) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
7. 7 Jul 2024 By Love, Serve One Another 用心爱互相服事 (Galatians 加拉太书 5:13-18) Combined Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
8. 30 Jun 2024 Stand Fast in the Liberty of Christ (Galatians 5:1-12) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
9. 30 Jun 2024 在基督内的自由站稳 (加拉太书 5:1-12) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
10. 23 Jun 2024 Four Deaths Of Disobedience (Jeremiah 15:1–9) Evening Worship Service Jeremiah Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
11. 23 Jun 2024 Ministry of Gods Word in Song Part 10 (Deuteronomy 32:19-25) Seminar Deuteronomy Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
12. 23 Jun 2024 We Too Are Children of the Promised (Galatians 4: 21 – 31) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
13. 23 Jun 2024 我们也是凭着应许作儿女 (加拉太书 4:21-31) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
14. 22 Jun 2024 The Reason Countless Numbers Will Go To Hell (Romans 9:30-33) Philemon Fellowship Romans Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
15. 16 Jun 2024 Obey Your Parents (Proverbs 6:20-24) Morning Worship Service Proverbs Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
16. 16 Jun 2024 顺服你的父母 (箴言 6:20-24) Chinese Morning Worship Service Proverbs Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
17. 9 Jun 2024 A Minister Concern For The Flock (Galatians 4:8-11) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew
18. 9 Jun 2024 Deadliness of False Prophecy (Jeremiah 14:1-16) Evening Worship Service Jeremiah Rev. (Dr) Quek Suan Yew
19. 9 Jun 2024 关心群羊的仆人 (加拉太书 4:8-11) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
20. 8 Jun 2024 How To Avoid Being Conned By Scammers (Ephesians 5:15-17) Philemon Fellowship Ephesians Eld. Choe Tong Seng
21. 2 Jun 2024 We Are Received In Adoption (Galatians 4:1-7) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
22. 2 Jun 2024 叫我们得着儿子的名分 (加拉太书 4:1-7) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
23. 31 May 2024 Wrestling With God (Genesis 32:1-32) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
24. 31 May 2024 与神摔跤 (创世记 32: 1-32) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
25. 30 May 2024 The Calling of Gods Servant (Jeremiah 1:1-7) Family Bible Camp Jeremiah Pr. David Chew
26. 30 May 2024 The Deceiver Deceived (Genesis 29:1-27) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
27. 30 May 2024 骗子被骗了 (创世记 29: 1-27) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
28. 29 May 2024 Beware! The Deception of Religious Scammers (2 Timothy 3:1-6) Family Bible Camp 2 Timothy Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
29. 29 May 2024 The Presence of God With His Elect (Genesis 28:1-22) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
30. 29 May 2024 神与祂的选民同在 (创世纪 28:1-22) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
31. 28 May 2024 Beware! The Attraction of the World (Genesis 13:1-13) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
32. 28 May 2024 The Great Deception Gods Grace Despite the Nature of the Flesh (Genesis 27:1-33) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
33. 28 May 2024 大欺骗 (尽管肉体本质问题,神恩居然临到) (创世纪 27: 1-33) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
34. 27 May 2024 The Legacy of God’s Elect (Genesis 25:1-34) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
35. 27 May 2024 上帝选民的遗址 (创世纪 25:1-34) Family Bible Camp Genesis Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
36. 26 May 2024 Can A Leopard Change Its Spots (Jeremiah 13:22-27) Evening Worship Service Jeremiah Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
37. 26 May 2024 We Too Are Abrahams Seed And Heirs Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
38. 26 May 2024 我们也是亚伯拉罕的后裔 (加拉太书 3:22-29) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
39. 19 May 2024 Christ The Seed Of Promise (Galatians 3:14-22) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
40. 19 May 2024 基督是应许的子孙 (加拉太书 3:14–22) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
41. 12 May 2024 The Just Shall Live By Faith 因信称义 (Galatians 加拉太书 3:6-14) Combined Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
42. 12 May 2024 Weeping For Gods People (Jeremiah 13:12–21) Evening Worship Service Jeremiah Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
43. 11 May 2024 What Does the Bible Teach About Dressing Philemon Fellowship 1 Corinthians Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
44. 5 May 2024 Rebuke for Foolishness (Galatians 3:1-5) Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
45. 5 May 2024 责备人的无知 (加拉太书 3:1–5) Chinese Morning Worship Service Galatians Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
46. 28 Apr 2024 A People Good For Nothing (Jeremiah 13:1–11) Evening Worship Service Jeremiah Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
47. 28 Apr 2024 Doctrine of Church Discipline Morning Worship Service Matthew Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
48. 28 Apr 2024 Ministry of Gods Word in Song Part 9 (Deuteronomy 32:15-18) Seminar Deuteronomy Rev. Lim Seh Beng 林世明牧师
49. 28 Apr 2024 教会纪律的教义 (马太福音 18:15-20) Chinese Morning Worship Service Matthew Rev. Lee Kim Shong 李金雄牧师
50. 27 Apr 2024 Mentoring the Younger Generation (Titus 2:1-8) Philemon Fellowship Titus Eld. Chong Yee Wah