Church Weekly
16 Oct 2022



From the Board of Elders

Dear Members in Christ,                                                                      

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10

Adam was the first man created by God. God also made a help meet for him. Adam had everything and he was given charge by God over God’s own creation (cf. Genesis 2:15). Everything was perfect. Man had fellowship with God in and to live for eternity. However, this was not to be as Man fell into sin in disobeying God’s commandment of not eating the fruit from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” (cf. Genesis 2: 16-17, Genesis 3: 1-19). Satan in the form of the serpent tempted Eve to partake of the fruit from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil”. Eve succumbed. She gave to Adam the fruit as well. Adam took the fruit and with this the whole mankind was plunged into sin! The perfect fellowship with God was shattered. Death, suffering and sorrow came into the world. Physically and spiritually, mankind died. Mankind does not, from hereon, live forever. Everyone born after Adam has to be reconciled back to God in order to regain a righteous relationship with God (John 1:12, John 14:6, John 3:36) for eternity.

The Bible records that Methuselah was the oldest person ever lived as he died at the age of 969 years. The number of years has been falling since then. Today, with the advent of modern science and technology, the years of life for man continue to fall short of this. The Bible in Psalm 90:10 mentions “three score years and ten”, which is 70 years old, that a man will live on earth. However, by the grace of God, if a man’s life is extended beyond this, yet his life is filled with labour and sorrow. He will have ageing issues like poor health and whole hosts of other bodily pains and poor functions. In short, this earthly body does not stay strong and healthy forever. It is weak, temporary and has an expiry date and will “soon cut off and fly away” or simply, die! 

Where does the departed go? From the Bible there are only 2 final destinations for the departed. It is either in God’s kingdom in Heaven or in the Lake of Fire (cf. John 3:3,18; Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:11-15). While man is still alive, man has the opportunity to choose the final resting place for himself otherwise it will be too late. There is no second chance or hindsight wisdom to “re-decide” the right decision for his final eternal resting place in Heaven (cf. Luke 16:19-31).

Living daily for the Lord Jesus Christ: Christians are to live righteously for the testimony of Christ.I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.Galatians 2:20-21. He is to be not “hearers only but doers” for God’s glory and witnessing that others may know Christ.

Ageing Christians: As Christians age, Christians must age gracefully and be matured in Christ. They should not remain as novice or stunted in faith. They must exhibit spiritual growth and maturity. They should manifest godly behaviour and be examples to the younger Christians that they may be encouraged and “see” how God leads, blesses and prospers His own faithful servants who keep and walk close with God and how they call and thank God in all life’s circumstances in health or in sickness, in joy or in sorrow, in life or in death.

Calvary Jaya BP Fellowship (CJBPF) is trending towards an ageing church. She has just celebrated her 38th year birthday. Let us continue to pray for the health of the elderly that God will continue to look, care, provide, sustain and bless them. Let us also continue to pray that God will also raise up young and faithful leaders to serve and carry on the good work of the Lord in the salvation of souls and for the edification and learning of the saints.

Lately, some elderly in the Church have been afflicted with physical ailments, and we thank God for them in remaining faithful and keeping close to God. They called and seek God for their physical restoration and for God’s will to be done in their lives. We thank God in answering each one accordingly to His own wise counsel and timing. All glory and praise to His wonderful name.

Herewith is a testimony by our brother Lee Hing King on God’s goodness upon him. I am much encouraged by this brother’s testimony. It is also with thanks and praise that brethren in CJBPF pray together for the successful operation and speedy recovery. This is a good example of brethren caring for one another and carry one another’s burden. Indeed, this brotherly love and care, must continue for the love of God.

Testimony of Mr Lee Hing King

I recently encountered another bout of health problem. It happened last year when I complained to my doctor of my right lower back pain, radiating to my right lower limb, with weakness and numbness of right lower limb.

I was referred to the Orthopaedic Unit where the doctor diagnosed my condition as herniated discs with nerve compression. I was given some medication which helped to relieve the sharp and severe pain. Later I was told to do physiotherapy for lumbar radiculopathy. However, the weakness and numbness continued to cause distress and anxiety to me. I could not walk for more than 100 meters or stand for too long without some form of support. My condition did not improve for the next few months and after consulting my doctor, I was advised to undergo a minimally invasive spine surgery failing which I will have to live with this condition for the rest of my life.

Although my children had their concern and reservation regarding the risk in spine surgery, nevertheless I decided to go for it because I have always believed in and trusted the Lord.

I was admitted to the spinal ward at HUKM on 10-07-2022 to undergo some medical tests. The doctors and nurses there were very professional and caring and their services were “super”. The surgery was performed on 12-07-2022 which took about 3-4 hours. When I woke up at the recovery area, I was able to sit up and moved my whole body. Immediately I said a silent prayer to thank and praise the Lord for answering our prayers by allowing this episode to happen without any pain and anxiety.

Thank and praise the Lord, I was able to discharge from the hospital on 14-07-2022, and I am now on the road to full recovery. Many thanks also to all who had given me strength through their support and prayers. God bless.


In Christ,
Eld. Choe Tong Seng