Church Weekly
09 Apr 2023



Dear Members in Christ,                                                                                                                   

Life is but a vapour 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Last month, we were all saddened by the sudden passing of a dear brother. Our late Jon had been worshipping with us for some time, and we all recognized his cheerful appearance on Sunday mornings when he will greet fellow worshippers after the worship service. It was more than a month ago when I met him on the Lord’s Day after the close of the worship service. We chatted briefly, but he showed no signs of weakness or illness. When I received the news of his sudden passing from Rev. Lee, I was shocked, and I am sure many of you were taken by surprise of the suddenness of his homegoing. It reminds me of the words of scripture which says:

“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14

Truly, the word of God is wise in warning us against the brevity of our lives on earth. It is an awakening to myself, and I am sure to some of you also, how quickly the years of our lives zoom past us. We do not always realize this, and thus when we have a task to do, we often dismiss it by saying, “Not to worry, I can do it tomorrow.” Well, tomorrow may not come, for the Bible warns us, “ye know not what shall be on the morrow.” These are important lessons from the Word of God we can take heed of.

1. Do not take our days on earth for granted

In the passage from James 4:14, the author James warns us against taking our future for granted. In the example, James tells of traders who plan to travel to a certain city and there trade and get gain. Planning is a part of our lives, and the teaching of the Bible is not against planning for our future. Our work, our lives, have to be lived with some sense of consideration and planning, otherwise we will not be able to cope with eventualities that may crop up.

However, the Bible teaches us in James 4:13 not to be overconfident in our sense of time and our hope for the future. The trader who says, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain” (James 4:13) has no notion that his ability to continue to travel and trade and get gain is dependent upon the gracious hand of God. It is God who grants life and strength. It is God who gives us each day of life to live for His glory. Therefore, the author James says in a tone of rebuke, “Go to now, ye that say …”. We are cautioned to be mindful that our lives are indeed in God’s hand.

Brothers and sisters, let us be urgent in our service for the Lord Jesus. Each day passes quickly, and every opportunity lost is often gone, never to return. If there is some task you wish to accomplish, never say, “there will always be tomorrow”. Step up your pace, for “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.”

2. The brevity of life – not much more enduring than a wisp of vapor

The verse James 4:14 also brings to us a clear reminder of the transitory nature of life. Have you observed vapour spouting from a boiling kettle? How long does the vapour linger? Hardly, but a few moments, for as soon as the vapour is breathed into the atmosphere, it dissipates quickly and is no longer seen. This is the description of the brief transitory nature of our lives. At sixty-four this year, I am amazed how quickly the years have gone by me. I am sure some of you may experience the same. Need to serve the Lord with a sense of urgency. The reminder is:

“… For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14

The vapor appears but for a little while and then it vanishes. Let us be reminded of how brief our lives really are. Like the momentary appearance of a wisp of vapour. As the saying goes, “here today, gone tomorrow!” 

Dearly beloved, is there an area of service which you considered doing for the Lord but have been holding back? Delay not! Step forward and do your duty for the Lord. Have you been contemplating of joining a bible study? Or perhaps you are thinking of serving in a fellowship group? Or perhaps some unbelieving family member you wanted to share the gospel with? Do not wait for tomorrow!

As a closing note, just the week before the late brother Jon’s passing, I had joined several of our members on a hike to survey the area around TTDI. I had in mind to call Jon to share with him about the natural beauty of the TTDI hills, for I know that he had joined our previous hike, and had enjoyed himself thoroughly. Alas! I was saddened by a missed opportunity, for on the same weekend, before I could call him, our brother had gone home to be with the Lord. Let us be urgent in our labour for the Lord, and may God bless you all in His service. Amen.

In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor