Church Weekly
28 May 2023



Dear Members in Christ,                                                                                                                   

The Sovereign Rule of Christ

Daniel 2:21 “And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:”

Who is ruling the world? We see the world is in unrest. The powerful nations are challenging each other frequently. The world is suffering due to endless strife. Men want to control the world. Mighty men trust in weapons and war for greater influence. They do not recognize and glorify God, Who is the Maker, and the Ruler of the world.

The book of Daniel consists of revelations of God, given while the remnant of God’s covenant people were in exile. The Jews have been forced to separate from the Promised Land, Jerusalem, and the Temple had been destroyed. They felt the absence of God very much in a hostile and idolatrous environment. Such situation caused the Jews to look to the Lord. In such a time, God used a young man to convey His message to the unbelieving world. The kingdoms of the world come and go, but the kingdom of God shall be established forever one day.

God used the Babylonians to bring His people to far distance to chastise them. It is due to their departure from the faith for a very long time. However, the Lord showed His grace by causing the Babylonians to choose the Jewish captives for royal service. Actually, they could have treated them as hard labourers. But the Babylonians chose the better ones to be trained to serve their empire. The Jews are instructed by God to pray for the peace in the land of captivity.

The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream one night. It was a kind of nightmare to him. He was so disturbed. He immediately called his magicians and wise men to interpret the dream. It was very challenging to the interpreters because they must be able to tell him the dream also! This unreasonable king wanted to make sure he received the correct interpretation.

When not even one of these experts was able to tell the king his dream and insisted that the king must tell them the dream, the king told them that it was gone. The king got so furious and told them they would be killed if they failed to do what he demanded. The Jewish young men like Daniel and his friends would not be spared also. When Daniel heard this, he requested for some time for the dream and interpretation.

As a young captive, what can he do? There is no help in view. When Daniel faced the crisis, he only asked for time to pray to God. He trusted the Lord would send His help. Behold, he called his believing friends to ask God for mercies together. Thank God for revealing the dream and interpretations to his servant. Daniel blessed the LORD for His help. He blessed God for being the source of wisdom and might. He also reveals deep and secret things. Hence, Daniel and his friends, also the rest of the Babylonians colleagues’ lives could be saved from death.

Brothers and sisters, when we face trying circumstances, let us gather godly friends and pray. We may not be mighty people, but we can look to God for help. Our Father in heaven is eager to hear our cries to Him. Let us look up to Him and not faint. Our Father in heaven is willing to send us mercies. The unbelievers had put their trust in their knowledge or magic, but they will be greatly disappointed one day. What they trusted could not help them. Let us gather frequently to pray for God’s mercies. Do not despise a small prayer meeting!

The mightiest king in the world at that time is helpless. He used to think that he was in control of the world. However, he was just an observer of the centre of the dream - the statue. He was just watching the kingdom of God smashing the kingdoms of this world and could not do anything to stop it. God will judge the rebellion of men and establish His kingdom.

God used Daniel to tell the unbelievers that the future of the world is under His control and not anyone else. Nebuchadnezzar thought that his empire will last forever. But he is told that he and his kingdom, and the world’s kingdoms will be changed in due time. Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans will not rule forever, but God will.

The God of heaven will set up His righteous kingdom, which shall never be destroyed. The current end-time revived Roman Empire will not be followed by other earthly empires like Babylon, Persia and Greece. It will be replaced by Christ’s kingdom, which shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall be forever (cf. Daniel 2:44). This refers to the rule of Christ on earth for 1,000 years. The Lord Jesus will come and smash the Gentile world power just like the statue smashed by the stone. The kingdom of Jesus will be established on earth.

God is sovereign and that nothing is outside His control. God allows nations to rise up to rule the world for some time, then He knocks them down in due time due to their sins. The kingdoms of the world represent one-world system, which is human-centered. The power of the one-world will be replaced by the eternal kingdom of God one day.

Therefore, let us put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is referred in 1 Peter 2:7 as “the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,” Believe in Christ and be saved from the wrath to come. Those who reject Christ as the Saviour will have to face His righteous judgment.

For those of us who have believed in Christ as our Saviour, let us yield our lives to serve Him. Let Him direct our lives for His glory. Let us be used by God to save and build up others in Christ. Do not be deceived by the world and go after the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of this life. 1 John 2:17 says, “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” Think again if you think the present world will last forever. May God save us from unbelief.

In His Service,
Rev. Lee Kim Shong