GRH 220 Holy Spirit, We Humbly Pray

Spirit Lord we pray, Comfort give and peace alway, Spirit Lord we pray:
Wash us clean from sin’s alloy, Lead, and change our grief to joy.

Spirit Lord we pray, Cleansing grace bestow today, Wash our guilt away:
Free from sin more our we grow, As the lily, white as snow.

Prone our hearts to stray, Shine, O Lord, salvation’s ray, Shine along our way:
Mists of doubt will disappear, And the meaning will shine clear.

Who our souls can save, Save from death and grief’s dark wave? Christ to us God gave:
To His own, new life He’ll bring: Now, O death, where is thy sting?

Holy Spirit, come, Shine within our hearts, your home, ‘Till all shame is gone:
Then the God of love we’ll know, He will save us from the foe.