GRH 406 Are You Lonely

Are you lonely? Really lonely?
Jesus was more lonely still,
Came as man to earth from heaven,
Bore disgrace and treatment ill!
He was lonely in the city
More alone on Calv’ry’s hill.
Not one soul with Him to suffer,
O, what grief His heart did fill!

Are you weary? Really weary?
Jesus was more worn than you.
As He bore the cross to Calv’ry
Cruel torture He endured.
Weary, sleepless in the garden,
Bending ‘neath sin’s crushing load,
As He kneeled and prayed in anguish
Sweet did fall like drops of blood.

Are you needy? Truly needy?
Jesus poorer was than you.
Nests for birds and holes for foxes
Only He ran to and fro.
Place to place He walked a lifetime,
Preaching truth to heedless men;
As a babe born in a stable,
Buried in a stranger’s tomb.

Are you burdened? Really burdened?
Jesus’ load was greater yet.
He can carry all our sorrows,
Comfort us when griefs beset.
He Himself bore heavy burdens,
Wore a thorn crown, suffered pain.
On the cross He hung in anguish,
Died that we might heaven gain.