GRH 425 Christ Preeminent

Christ is in my heart and soul, Christ preeminent;
It is He who makes me whole, Christ preeminent.
Christ preeminent, Christ preeminent,
Deep desire of heart and soul; Christ preeminent.

Christ is in my home and life, Christ preeminent;
It is He who voids all strife, Christ preeminent.
Christ preeminent, Christ preeminent,
Ev’rything to Him I yield; Christ preeminent.

In my church Christ is the head, Christ preeminent;
It is there my soul is fed, Christ preeminent.
Christ preeminent, Christ preeminent,
Church concerns the Lord controls; Christ preeminent.

Christ’s my life, my strength, my stay, Christ preeminent;
He’s the truth, the life, the way, Christ preeminent.
Christ preeminent, Christ preeminent,
All my life I’ll follow Him; Christ preeminent.