GRH 581 Macedonia

The vision of a dying world
Is vast before our eyes;
We feel the heart beat of its need,
We hear its feeble cries:
Lord Jesus Christ, revive Thy church
In this, her crucial hour!
Lord Jesus Christ, awake Thy Church
With Spirit given pow’r.

The savage hugs his god of stone
And fears descent of night;
The city dweller cringes lone
A mid the garish light:
Lord Jesus Christ, arouse Thy church
To see their mute distress!
Lord Jesus Christ, a quip Thy church
With love and tenderness.

Today, as understanding’s bounds
Are stretch’d on ev’ry hand,
O clothe Thy Word in bright, new sounds,
And speed it o’er the land:
Lord Jesus Christ, empower us
To preach by ev’ry means!
Lord Jesus Christ, embolden us
In near and distant scenes.

The warning bell of judgment tolls,
Above us looms the cross;
Around are ever dying souls
How great, how great the loss!
O Lord, constrain and move Thy church
The glad news to impart!
And, Lord, as Thou dost stir Thy church,
Begin within my heart.