GRH 618 Lord, Who in Thy Perfect Wisdom

Lord, who in Thy perfect wisdom
Times and seasons dost arrange,
Working out Thy changeless purpose
In a world of ceaseless change;
Thou didst form our ancient nation,
Guiding it thro’ all the days,
To unfold in it Thy purpose
To Thy glory and Thy praise.

To our shores remote, benighted
Barrier of the western waves,
Tidings in Thy love Thou sentest.
Tidings of the cross that saves.
Saints and heroes strove and suffered
Here Thy gospel to proclaim;
We, the heirs of their endeavour,
Tell the honour of their name.

Still Thine ancient purpose standeth
Ev’ry change and chance above;
Still Thine ancient Church remaineth,
Witness to Thy changeless love.
Grant us vision, Lord, and courage
To fulfil Thy work begun;
In the Church and in the nation,
King of kings, Thy will be done.